
International Congress

Molecules and Materials for the Energy of Tomorrow (MOMENTOM)

17-18 October 2019, Bât. Des Colloques, Campus d’Orsay, Université Paris Saclay

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This international conference is dedicated to the research effort done in the fields of materials to address the issues of green energies and economy of the energy transition. The main goal here is to get together the researchers working in the different aspects of Energy of the future in the region of Paris-Saclay to present recent advances in the field and to promote discussions and collaborations.

This conference is partly supported by the Strategic Research Initiative (IRS) MOMENTOM of the Université Paris-Saclay.

It will cover different topics:

  • Materials and devices for H2 production, storage and use,
  • Direct conversion of solar energy into chemical energy,
  • Materials for electrical storage,
  • Economy of the Energy Transition.

Recognised researchers will be invited to give key lectures and invited talks:

  • Vincent Artero, CEA, France
  • Julien Bachmann, Univ. Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
  • Albert Tarancon, Catalonia Institute for Energy Research, Spain
  • Jean-Paul Reich, AFYPAC, France
  • Christel Laberty-Robert, Sorbonne Université, France
  • Jacques Percebois, Univ. Montpellier, France

Organizing Committee: H. Remita, J. Deschamps, H. Kooli, O. Stéphan, L. Assaud

Scientific Committee : F. Miomandre, E. Deleporte, A. Aukauloo,  F. Ozanam, G. Dezanneau, W. Leibl, P. Schembri, P. Gaucher, and F. Plais. 

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